U.S. Isolationism in the Republican Era of "Normalcy" 1921-1933

Warren Harding 1921-23

Calvin Coolidge 1923-29

Herbert Hoover 1929-33

League opened Nov. 15, 1920 - pictures
State Dept. ca. 1910
4-Power Treaty 1921

Definition of Isolationism

  1. involvement without commitment - "advantages without obligations"
  2. no permanent, entanglinq alliances
  3. keep U.S. sovereign, free, at peace
  4. emphasis on legalism, not force
    • a "law-bound" world of Great Powers keeping order
  5. continue the Open Door concept


  1. U.S. unique with no interests threatened
  2. U.S. superior to a corrupt world
  3. U.S. impregnable to attack
  4. "devil" theory of war

"Keyhole Diplomacy"

Washington Conference of 1921

Billy Mitchell

Billy Mitchell

Debt Commissions

Rogers Act of 1924

Good Neighborism of 1927

Clark Memo of 1928

Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928

Arbitration and Conciliation treaties

London Naval Conference of 1930

Stimson Doctrine of 1931



On Reserve:

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