Capitalism Saved - 1933

Roosevelt Churchill and Stalin prepare for Hitler

The book ROOSEVELT CONFRONTS HITLER by Patrick J. Hearden explains the purpose of why the United States became involved in the Second World War. I agree with Hearden that economic conditions internationally and domestically drove the Untited States into the Second World War. This timeline investigates the economic problems of 1933.
January 4, 1933 - Continued non recognition policy toward Manchukuo

January - President Edward A. O'Neal of the Farm Bureau Federation speaks out
January 19 - Roosevelt talks to Raymond Moley about Economic Conference
January 30 - Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor
February - Japanese withdraw from Geneva
February - Cordell Hull begins to prepare tariff legislation February 20 - Roosevelt meets with British Ambassador Lindsay
March 4 - Franklin D. Roosevelt enters the White House
President Roosevelt talking of future capitalistic prosperity

March 5 - President Roosevelt declares national bank holiday

March 12 - Roosevelt gives first of Fireside Chats
March - Roosevelt's talks about domestic phase of his two-staged strategy
March - Japanese officially withdraw from League of Nations
  • Japanese intend to abandon the naval limitation agreements they had with Britain and the United States
  • Republicans (as well as Japanese) try to smash the League of Nations

    March - President issues an executive order

  • Allocates 238 million dollars for the construction of thirty-two warships
  • March - Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson reiterates his internationalist view
    April - Roosevelt asks Congress for reciprocal trade legislation
    April - Roosevelt invites foreign representatives to Washington
  • Wants representatives to prepare for the Economic Conference
  • April 12 - Pan American Day
    April 19 - Roosevelt halts all gold exports
    European tries to get gold out of Hotel America.
    Other FDR cartoons from the OConnor collection at the FDR Library can be seen in the FDR Cartoon Database of the AP History class at Niskayuna HS taught by Paul Bachorz

    April 21 - Roosevelt assures the British and French that the United States will not launch a

    currency war
    April - The Standard Oil Company of New York asks Washington for help
    May 7 - Roosevelt gives second Fireside Chat
    May - Immediate problems with Roosevelt's domestic plans and diplomatic objectives
    May - Dollar begins a new downward movement with a simultaneous rise in stock, bond,
    and commodity prices
    May 17 - Roosevelt sends National Industrial Recovery Act to Congress
    May - Raymond Moley delivers a public address
    May - There is further decline in American Exports
    May - Secretary of State Hull travels to London
    May - Congress passes the Agricultural Adjustment Act
    May - Roosevelt speaks to German Representative
    May - Norman Davis formally announced that the United States should not
    interfere with sanctions imposed by the League of Nations against an aggressor provided
    the following two conditions were met
    June 7 - Roosevelt supports Four Power Pact
    June - Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, president of the Reichsbank suggests discrimination
    June - J. Pierrepont Moffat advises Roosevelt of foreign disarmament
    June - The National Industrial Act is passed
    June - Roosevelt states that currency stabilization is untimely
    Even cough drops must go up in Price

    July 3 - Roosevelt's famous bombshell message

    July 18 - Farm prices and industrial output start to decline
    July - Roosevelt consumed with NRA code agreements
    August - Roosevelt advises that he does not want France to disarm
    August - Raymond Moley quietly resigns from the State Department
    September - Ambassador Josephus Daniels wrote from Mexico City
    September - Americans begin to feel the effects of the Nazi campaign
    October - Hull instructs Ambassador Dodd about German economic policy
    October - Hitler withdraws from both the Disarmament Conference and the League of
    Hitler demonstrating the power of Germany

    October 19 - Roosevelt orders purchasing newly mined gold in the United States

    October - Dr. Schacht grants preferential treatment to Swiss creditors
    November - President authorizes the establishment of the Executive Committee on
    Commercial Policy
    November -Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace reports to the President November 15 - Roosevelt has gentleman's agreement with Litvinov
    December 2 - Roosevelt directs State Department to draft a bill
    December 5 - President sends George N. Peek to Czechoslovakia
    December 28 - George Peek reports back to President