Lindberghs in the Newsreels

Lindberghs land in Russia 1933/10/25
1927/05/20 - Lindbergh takeoff May 20 was photographed by Fox Movietone with sound equipment at Roosevelt Field on Long Island to record the sound of the airplane engine, footage from "New Horizons For Old" 1953 episode.

1931 - Paramount released "Mexico We Are Here," and "Flying with Lindy" and "Lindy to Fly to China" and "We See Tokyo"

1933/05/08 - Universal silent newsreel "Glendale CA: Unusual closeups of Colonel and Mrs. Lindbergh as they take off on the Eastbound flight on which they ran into a blinding sand storm and were forced to camp out all night in the Texas Panhandle."

1933/07/10 - Universal silent newsreel "North Beach Airport, NY: Taking off from the waters of Bowery Bay the Flying Colonel and his wife are seen in unusual pictures on the start of their flight to Greenland to survey a route across the North Atlantic for the Pan American Airways."

1933/10/25 - Universal silent newsreel "Moscow, USSR: The famous aviator and his wife are seen in unusual pictures arriving here on their aerial survey and goodwill tour and being greeted by high government officials."

1935/02/13 - Universal silent newsreel "Hauptman is Guilty! Gets Chair"

1936/03/18 - Universal sound newsreel "Air-Line Hostesses Pass Rigid Tests at San Francisco, California."


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